terça-feira, 25 de março de 2014

Dinosaur... Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrgh

This is my pullip ddalgi modeling one of my experiences ^^. The story about this outfit started last year. My sister decided to order a select pullip doll for her and two addicional dolls, for me and my other sister. With her purchase, Pullip Style offered a Paja's dinosaur outfit for my sister (nice :D) while we talked happily about our new dolls, they asked me if I could make an outfit like that. My answer obviously was "Challenge accepted" :D And I really made the outfit in a few days... but ( there's always a but :P) I'm always lazy to sew snaps (as usually *roll eyeballs*), And that's why only today I finished this costume...  (The shame, Jackie! How could you?) Anyway, it's finally finished haha :D

segunda-feira, 24 de março de 2014

Little dresses

These are little crochet dresses that I've made for my little girls using cotton yarn. They fit well in Mini Dals, Petite Blyhes, and Blythes LPS, and since the others mini dollies has a similiar body type, I'm sure it fit them well too.

quinta-feira, 4 de abril de 2013

Micro Sweater

Because the calendar says it's autumn already and winter is coming... supposedly... :3

segunda-feira, 25 de março de 2013

Back in black... white, green, pink and all the colors!

Bem, lá vai mais de um ano desde que iniciei este blogue. Imprevisivelmente, minha vida deu uma volta muito grande e de uma viagem de férias resolvi mudar de país... novamente. E assim sou eu, ainda impulsiva e meio maluca apesar da idade :P  

Dizem que a terceira é que é de vez, mas vamos lá tentar contrariar o ditado popular e por este blogue a andar à segunda ;) Eu não estive de braços cruzados durante este último ano em que estive (ainda estou) a reconstruir minha vida do zero. Fui fazendo uma coisinha ou outra, sempre que podia e ainda bem, porque com todo o stress que veio junto com minha decisão ainda dava em maluquinha a sério se não tivesse com o quê acalmar o espírito.

Então para dar mais força a essa minha nova tentativa, vou deixar aqui um dos projetos que terminei. Espero que apreciem.

So, it has been more than an year since I started this blog. At the time I didn't see the big turn my life would take and what should have been a vacation trip, became a new life in another country... again. And that's who I am: the impulsive, kinda crazy Jackie :P

The saying goes that "the third time is the charm!" Well, let's challenge the saying and try to put this blog working on the second try, shall we? ;) I haven't been sitting with my arms crossed the last year while I was (I am still actually) restarting my life from scratch. I've made one thing or another (and thanks god or I would really go crazy with all the stress that came along with my new life). I had to make something to cheer up and calm my mind.

To make my will stronger and keep posting, I let the photo of this little dress. Enjoy!  

quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2011

Cada coisa no seu devido lugar...

Isso de ter muitos interesses por vezes pode ser complicado. Mas temos que tentar nosso melhor para equilibrar as coisas. Pois bem, foi tentando um pouco de equilíbrio que decidi separar o meu interesse por bonecas num blogue a parte e assim nasceu o Cutie as Charged. O nome surgiu meio na brincadeira meio como uma verdade. Como algo que muitas vezes me vêm a mente quando brinco (sim eu brinco) com bonecas é a expressão "so cute", achei que já era hora das bonecas assumirem a culpa da fofura que carregam :D. Espero ir adicionando aqui as minhas criações no mundo da moda em tamanho muito pequeno com alguma regularidade e espero mais ainda ter tempo para criar. Portanto, até breve. ;)  

Each thing in its place ...

Having a lot of things that catch our attention and taste can be a little complicated. But we have to do our best to achieve harmony. Well, because I was trying to reach harmony with all the things I like, I decided to dedicate a new blog for dolls and all the craft related to them. That's how Cutie as Charged was created. The name is half a pun, half a true fact. Many times when I play (yes! I play) with dolls the expression "so cute" appears very often on my mind and I thought it was about time for the dollies take the responsability for all the cuteness they bring :D I hope to post my creations in this fashion world of the very tiny size with some regularity and I wish even more to have more time to create. So, see you soon! ;)